#Linux command line merge pdf pdf
One of the most popular and easy-to-use command-line tools for merging PDF files on Ubuntu is “ pdftk”. Method 1: Merging a Selection of PDF Files to a Single PDF File Let us try to merge pdf1.pdf and pdf2.pdf files into a single file. Method 1: Using pdftk Command to Merge PDF Files on Ubuntu With qpdfyou can perform tasks such as merging PDF files, extracting pages, rotating pages, and setting and removing encryption.

Also, before you continue and install a PDF merger tool below, verify if you already have a PDF tool installed. Check if all PDF files are in the same directory. These commands are more manageable when you don’t have to type full file paths from your home directory repeatedly.
#Linux command line merge pdf how to

Type the following command, listing your PDF. You will use that order when typing the command line string. Decide in which order you want the PDF files to appear in the final document. Open a terminal and change to the directory containing your PDF files: cd \/pdf-directory.

Merging PDF files on Ubuntu refers to the process of combining multiple PDF documents into a single file. Install PDFtk for Linux using the command sudo snap install pdftk.